Camp Massasoit, Plymouth, MA
December 11-13, 2009

There were only four scouts and four adults on this outing, but those of us who made it had a great weekend staying in Rotary Cabin at Camp Massasoit. With indoor plumbing, running water, an electric range and heating, this one was not exactly roughing it, but when the temperature hovers around 20 degrees that's ok!

Our plan was to cook a turkey using a reflector oven, which we were going to borrow from our friend Don Martin from Blackstone Valley Outfitters. Unfortunately, there was an electrical outage at BVO, so we were unable to get the stove from Mr. Martin. Did that deter us? Heck no! We made our own reflector oven using a few sticks, some cinder blocks, and lots of aluminum foil. Even in very cold weather our oven was a great success; our turkey was cooked in about 3 1/2 hours, and when we went to carve it the meat literally fell off of the bones. It was juicy and flavorful. We had baked potatoes and corn on the cob with the turkey, then dutch oven apple cobbler for desert. There were no empty bellies.

When we weren't cooking we were playing cards and backgammon and just enjoying the camaraderie. There were many questionable strategies employed by the new players during our hi-low-jacks game, and much to the chagrin of the more experienced players more than once these strange and unusual strategies were rewarded with success. The games were spirited and fun, even if not always skillful!

Mr. Stavros and Mr. Berleth planning the reflector oven.

This looks like a serious strategic discussion!

Bunk house with style, eh?

Breakfast - bacon and pancakes, yum!

They say it's the most important meal of the day.

Mr. Stavros and Jacob working on the oven.

Trying to get the charcoal inside those cinder blocks to fire up.

Still working it - not enough oxygen down in there.

The view just downhill from our cabin.

Elbow Pond

Generating lots of smoke at this stage, but still no satisfying charcoal fire.

Cough! Cough! Lotsa smoke!

A bit of refactoring - still a lot of smoke at this point, but the coals are burning and we've built our oven!

Fanning the coals.

The turkey is in the oven as Mr. Berleth prepares another layer of aluminum foil to keep the heat in.

Our turkey is sizzling inside the oven now.

Lunchtime - Andrew is showing off the cheeseburger he cooked for himself. Looks tasty, huh?

Here is our turkey after 3 1/2 hours in the oven. You can see the bones pulled right out of the drumsticks.

Stick a knife in it - it's done!

Mr. Berleth carves the turkey.

Dinner is served - and eaten!

Mr. Benoit and Mr. Berleth look pretty satisfied with dinner, don't they?

This probably fits in the category of “what happens in the cabin stays in the cabin.”

Mr. Berleth getting some well deserved rest.

Our Home Sweet Home -- for the weekend.